Sunday, May 27, 2007

What is Parelli Natural Horsemanship?

If you would like to know more about Parelli Natural Horsemanship, you can explore the website at Probably the most enlightening thing to do is to attend one of the tour events. Check the website for the details about the Parelli Tour in Jacksonville in October 2007. Another way to see the Pat and Linda in action is to watch the RFD channel (379) on Wednesday nights at 10:00. You will be amazed! And the best thing is IT WORKS!


Mimi said...

I think I want to go to Parelli camp. Did you see those pictures? What a neat way to make a living. Interesting web site too.

Karen Lee said...

The Parellis have 2 centers for their "camps". One is in Pagosa Springs, Colorado (which I hope to visit one day) and the other is in nearby Ocala, Florida. My dream is to go there with Fire and devote two entire weeks to non-stop natural horse*man*ship with Parelli experts.